The bad weather has wreaked havoc with our schedules! You may be finding yourself going stir crazy with the bad weather and your pets might be too. After they go galloping through the snow and you’ve had enough of cleaning them off or maybe they’re the type that needs a little tough love to head outdoors during a snow storm, take advantage of the time at home together.
Here are some ideas to enjoy the snow day:
1. Cozy Up On The Couch and Relax Together
2. Some Grooming May Be In Order – give a little brushing and they’ll be feeling like a handsome Prince or beautiful Princess in no time.
3. Dump Out The Toy Box – Just like children rotating the toys can bring new life to an old forgotten favorite so go ahead and dig out an oldie but goodie from the bottom of the box.
4. Play Hide and Seek – Ask your dog to stay and hide. Call their name and wait, they will be super excited when they find you.
5. Puzzles and Interactive Games – Pull out a dog puzzle and if you don’t have one create your own with a treat and a few cups. Grab a few cups and turn them upside down with a treat under one. Move a few around. See if your dog can find the cup with the treat. So smart! You’ll be proud of your pooch.
6. Take Selfies Together – A favorite of mine in this digital age. Even better if you can photograph in Live mode.

Enjoy the time together and share some photos if you’d like.

Enjoy the time together and share photos if you’d like!